Traditionally, indigenous comes from the Latin word indigena (indu/endo: in/within + gignere: to beget (to procreate or generate). But here we are simply looking at roots. The root words here are -gen (something produced, and by extension, birth) and -ous (possessing/full of), and that combination is not an option, it seems. HOWEVER, it is not uncommon for suffixes to have more than one meaning, and this is no exception. -ous also means 'having, full of, or characterized by', meaning your answer is the second option, 'the word root “gen” means “birth,” and the suffix “-ous” means “having the quality of something.”'
The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world's most dominant economic and military power. Likewise, its cultural imprint spans the world, led in large part by its popular culture expressed in music, movies and television.
The correct answer is B
The red colouration of the lungs looks alarming and adds to the overall message that the flu is threatening
The video is captioned "How Flu Viruses Attack". The explicit message is that the Flu attacks the human body (the lung especially).
The implicit message is that the flu is very life-threatening and this is captured by the image which shows a lung rapidly turn red as the narrators describe the effects of the flu on the lung.