In the late 19th century, immigrants from other countries, majorly from, <em>Germany, Ireland, and England</em>, came in because of <em>shortages of jobs increased taxes and large scale famines.</em>
The 19th century was the period when United states was merging as a new power in the world in competition with the European powers, but in this period the Europe had to face many issues like,
<em>Famine, shortage of jobs and increase in taxes as wars was raging brutally.</em>
When the other countries were facing backlashes, United states was seen as a basket full of new opportunities, and people in large numbers started moving there for better lifestyle.
Many people also came to United States was established on the basis of individual rights, thus the people who had faced political persecution and religious hatred, also migrated to United states to express and practice their faiths peacefully.
To know more about, 19th century migration in United States, <em>click here-</em>
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