The camera is capturing the key moving, and so it looks blurry.
I would say A
Although I do not know the character and what the arguement is about, that is my best guess.
Một ngày là khoảng thời gian Trái đất hoàn thành một vòng quay quanh trục của nó, mất khoảng 24 giờ. Một ngày Mặt trời là khoảng thời gian trôi qua giữa lúc Mặt trời đạt đến điểm cao nhất trên bầu trời hai lần liên tiếp.
Here is why Thoreau’s use of rhetorical questions contributes to the persuasiveness and message in “Civil Disobedience”: A rhetorical question is a question that is asked, but for which an answer is not needed because the answer should be obvious enough to readers/audience members will know what is considered by the author/speaker as the appropriate response. Rhetorical questions will be used in the place of statements and are used to engage readers and audience members. When questions are asked, people tend to think a bit deeper into the topic than they would have if just given information in the form of a statement. Thus, when posed a rhetorical question—a question that has an obvious answer favored by the author—one is more apt to consider and/or accept what is being presented to him or her. As such, rhetorical questions are persuasive by nature.
Explanation: Prepositional phrase
Preposition is the word that connects two terms of a sentence and the prepositional phrase is the set of those two or more words that have the value of a preposition. The last word of these phrases is always a preposition.
Examples of prayers with prepositional phrases:
The market is right in front of the bank.
Pedro saw his girlfriend through binoculars.