Roughly 3,000 years ago, when ancient Greece was creating its many origin myths, the classical heroes were born. Stories of Jason, Heracles, Perseus and Odysseus all took place during the great 4th Age of Man, roughly 3,600-3,100 years ago, for a period that stretched for about six generations. Back then, the idea of a hero was closely associated with military prowess, namely how good someone was at killing others. Additionally, a hero was typically someone who was killed in the pursuit of honor, and often had a fatal flaw. These early heroes and their stories became touchstones for different areas of morality, and mythology often functions as a moral guideline.
stanza brakes usually mean a change in tone
I would rather have my thoughts visible to everyone.
I prefer privacy for myself, without the pressure of being perfect all the time. Although, I'd have my thoughts being so exposed...
A cheerful teen willing to help,
stay positive...
magical beauty of the otters
sorry to be late
One way to pass on the day faster is to study for exams or a test. I would read, text them, find other friends.