Water, wind, gravity, and ice because they wear away or break up rocks, sediments, and soil from the Earth's surface.
Sup, don't forget to wash your hands for at least 20 sec
Stay safe.
This questions seems to be a question where you are required to mention more than one point. The question has two options of course, I'll tell you my personal answer to the question in broken up points.
I disagree with this statement because I believe that Physical Education (PE) is a very important subject for each individual.
It has been proven that any sort of physical education improves the activity of your brain, if an individual's level of brain activity is higher, it means he learns more from other education and performs better on his tests.
Physical Education is also a practical lesson that relieves stress off students from all the other core subjects that do not that involve as much practical activity.
Physical Education makes you healthier, the healthier you are the better your life style and (technically) life time will be.
Physical Education is also now proven to wake up students, this means students are less lazy and goes back to one of my previous points mentioning a students activity and performance in a lesson or a test.
I hope this helped, any other questions let me know. :3
<em>False cognates</em> are word pairs that sound similar and even are written similar, but have different meanings. False cognates can be found between different languages, but also within the same language. For example, English and Swedish word gift is written in the same way, but in Swedish gift means poison or married.
In the given ad the false cognate refers to the word <em>folder</em>. <em>Carpet</em> was translated into <em>carpeta</em> which in Spanish means folder. So the right translation into Spanish would be <em>alfombra</em> which in English means <em>carpet</em>.