Malala and her family finally make their way home and are disappointed to see the condition the river and valley is in. Malala gets home and sees her books are still where she left them, but the school is trashed with wrappers and cigarette butts.
A missile had hit the building across the street from the school, and perhaps it was meant for the school. They find out the army had been staying there, after seeing anti-Taliban things written on the wall and on the chalkboard.
Many things can be learned from a journey. You can learn from your mistakes and learn to not make the same mistakes. You can also learn alot of things about yourself, depending on what the journey is.
Varied Sentence Structure. Sentence structure is how you arrange your words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence. Writers who don’t vary their sentences repeat the same sentence subject, length, and type. This repetition bores the reader, and it weakens your voice. Varied sentences give your writing life.
Ridicule is used to show the gullibility of the Russian citizens