“We wear the mask” later become the poems refrain, Which we see at the end of the second and third stanza
gets a ride home with a man in his mid-twenties.
He wanders for a bit stumbling around and then catches a ride.
Regarding the blanks in the sentence above, the first blank should be filled with the word "Bandura," while the second blank should be filled with the word "Observational Learning."
We can arrive at this answer because:
- Bandura's work was very important to prevent cases of violence at school.
- In this work, Bandura created a theory known as Observational Learning, which is very important, even today, to combat violence among students.
- This theory states that it is necessary to look at the behavior, attitudes, and emotional expressions that students have with each other.
- This observation allows cases of violence to be identified in advance and allows a process of remodeling behavior and attitudes to be triggered.
With this, Bandura states that it is necessary to observe students and prevent cases of violence. This prevention can even change the behavior of students and keep the school a safer and more beneficial place.
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non of the above
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