because more whites can work
John D. Rockefeller went into business when he was 20, and he picked up his first oil well as a sideline. He soon saw that that was the right horse to ride. Even before automobiles and airplanes laid their heavy claim on oil, it'd begun replacing coal in the power industries.
Andrew Carnegie makes the better hero. He, after all, was part and parcel of the emerging technologies that made our country. And his giving sprang from some deep-seated core of principle. Yet the Rockefeller clan assumed the mantle of public service. They've become political leaders and professional givers -- one died doing anthropological research in New Guinea.
Monotheism means: the doctrine or to believe that there is only one God. In Islam there is only One God, Allah. He is the only God and The Creator of the whole world universe and infinity and beyond.
Answer: railroads were built with assistance from the federal government through land grants.
Trans-Saharan trade requires travel across the Sahara between sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa. While existing from prehistoric times, the peak of trade extended from the 8th century until the early 17th century. ... Cattle were introduced to the Central Sahara (Ahaggar) from 4000 to 3500 BC.