La principal motivación para la creación de las Naciones Unidas, cuyos fundadores habían sufrido la devastación de dos guerras mundiales, fue evitar las generaciones venideras del flagelo de la guerra. Desde su creación, se ha pedido ayuda a la ONU tanto para que evite que las disputas concluyan en guerra, como que ayude a restaurar la paz cuando los conflictos armados ya han estallado o que promueva la paz duradera en sociedades que acaban de salir de una guerra.
<u>The following are similarities between modern distillery and wine shop:</u>
The process of brewing wine in traditional wine shops and modern distilleries differ in certain aspects and at the same time are similar in certain aspects.
While the overall process would be similar, if looked into the more intricate details it will be different. Speaking about the similarities, in both of the processes,
- wine is supposed to undergo fermentation.
- Next comes the ingredients.
- Both of the processes, be it traditional or modern, require grapes as a primary ingredient.
Economic abundance, cold war, civil rights and rock and Roll.
Government controls or dictates what is produced.