The answer to this question is the "years--;".
In the given question code the if we define the years--; and the rate of interest in the code so this program will return a value for example if we give rate of interest or rate to value 5 then the output of the code is 26532.977051 because it returns the double that is a floating-point value. So the missing code for this question is "years--;".
16. Branch or tree cutter
17.paint tape
18. Knife
19. Pots
20. Waterer
It is true. RDBMS enforce integrity rules automatically. Integrity rules are automatically enforced by RDBMSs.
Integrity rules are automatically enforced by RDBMSs. Because it contains the design choices made regarding tables and their structures, a data dictionary is frequently referred to as "the database designer's database." Any character or symbol intended for mathematical manipulation may be contained in character data.
Data points that are connected to one another are stored and accessible in a relational database, which is a form of database. The relational model, an easy-to-understand method of representing data in tables, is the foundation of RDBMS. Each table row in a relational database is a record with a distinct ID known as the key.
It is simple to determine the associations between data points because the table's columns carry the properties of the data and each record typically has a value for each property.
To know more about RDBMS click on the link:
The number of memory words used to store the string "rainbow" is 8.