The cost of college education is expensive and one important component of conducting a research is the tuition fees. The cost is very high that one will explore all avenues of funding and financial aid before deciding to go to college. In addition to that component, accommodation, internet and transportation fees are also a great factor to consider when doing an academic research.
D Theodore Roosevelt's ascension to the presidency in 1901
It was easy for the Muslim army of the Arabs to conquer much of persia and parts of the Byzantium empire because bothe the persian and the Byzantium army were weak due to years of fighting among themselves. The Arabs did not have to face any tough resistance from either the Persian or the Byzantium army. During the first century, the byzantium army did not like fighting open battles and they mostly were in the defensive. Although during 740 the Byzantium army came out for open fighting with the arabs, but still they were battered with heavy artilerry by the Arab army.
reasons English settlers came to colonies in America
Many variations of the Christian faith were appearing in Europe. With the rise of the new denominations, there was also a raise of intolerance. The New World, at first, had nothing and it was inviting new people. It was a cheaper way to have a chance do be free, at least religiously.
Social revolution occurred in America during the the 1970's. The political and economical status of women increased. Discrimination were removed in minority groups. Environmental awareness also started during this time having the first Earth Day celebrated in 1970.