The French and Indian war is expensive.
The National Party was elected in 1948 on the policy of Apartheid ('separateness'). This 'separateness' put South Africans of different racial groups on their own paths in a partitioned system of development.
<h3>Effects of the Group Areas Act</h3>
The GAA had strange implications for governance and responsibility as it became more elaborate and amended. For example, the Coloured townships of Coronationville, Noordgesig, Newclare, Riverlea, and Western Township are administrated by Johannesburg City Council while Bosmont is the responsibility of the Department of Community Development (South African Institute of Race Relations, 1964: 216). The work of welfare organizations was made more difficult by the GAA, like Lunalegwaba House, a group home for African boys, in Johannesburg could not operate because the regulations of the GAA did not allow the White charity to own the property (South African Institute for Race Relations, 1967: 306). People attempted to use the courts to overturn the GAA, though each time they were unsuccessful (Dugard, 1978, 324). Others decided to use civil disobedience and other protests, like ‘sit-ins’ at restaurants, were experienced across South Africa in the early 60s. The 'sit-ins' were not ill-received by the average White citizen, which the South African Institute of Race Relations believed proved that they did not object to sharing restaurants with the other racial groups (1961: 183). There was also resistance from Cape Town City Council who voted before 1964 to keep District Six and the central business district not dedicated to any one racial group; they had the support of the Cape Town Chamber of Commerce on this decision (South African Institute of Race Relations, 1964: 213).
D. The poor living conditions of the working class in industrial cities
Lincoln Steffens is remembered for his work on the corruption and the life of working class in industrial America which he compiled in his book called the Shame of the City.
It delved into the deep seated corruption and systemic exploitation which was rampant in the big industries of the country which were booming with profits but were designed to exploit the common man.
His study on the exploitation on the working class was instrumental in getting more worker rights for them.
1000 per year
At its peak, nearly 1,000 enslaved people per year escaped from slave-holding states using the Underground Railroad – more than 5,000 court cases for escaped enslaved were recorded
Hoover felt that government should take a very off-hands approach, and the government should be akin to a guide letting their leashed dog choose the path; however, FDR believed in a very hands on and big government approach, and he advocated for expanding the role of the government unlike Hoover.