Albert Einstein is associated with physics.
Albert Einstein was a German physicist of Jewish origin. He is considered the most important scientist, known and popular of the twentieth century.
In 1905, when he was a young unknown physicist, employed in the Patent Office of Berne, he published his theory of special relativity. In it, he incorporated, in a simple theoretical framework based on simple physical postulates, concepts and phenomena studied by Henri Poincare and Hendrik Lorentz. As a logical consequence of this theory, he deduced the most popular equation of physics at the popular level: the mass-energy equivalence, E = mc². That year he published other works that would lay some of the foundations of statistical physics and quantum mechanics.
In 1915, he presented the theory of general relativity, in which he completely reformulated the concept of gravity. One of the consequences was the emergence of the scientific study of the origin and evolution of the Universe by the branch of physics called cosmology. In 1919, when British observations of a solar eclipse confirmed his predictions about the curvature of light, he was idolized by the press. Einstein became a popular icon of world-famous science, a privilege within the reach of very few scientists.
For his explanations on the photoelectric effect and his numerous contributions to theoretical physics, in 1921 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics.