All of the liquid molecules in cell membranes amphipathic (or amphiphilic) -that is, they have a hydrophilic ("water loving") or polar end and a hydrophobic ("water fearing") or nonpolar end. The most abundant membrane lipids are the phospholipids. These have a polar head group and two hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails.
Hope that Helps :)
A mutation in the N-terminal region may alter protein stability
Transport proteins are proteins capable of transporting substances through biological membranes. These proteins are located within cellular membranes where they form channels that allow the movement of substances between the internal and external sides of the membrane. The N-terminus is the first region in the protein that emerges from the ribosome during its synthesis. This region is usually composed of signal peptides consisting of about 30 amino acids required for protein delivery. Moreover, the N-terminal region is also important because it dictates protein degradation by peptidases. Consequently, mutations in the N-terminal region of transport proteins can alter the properties of these proteins, i.e., either by modifying protein stability or by altering protein signaling.
Point source means: the pollution that comes from a single point (examples)
Sewage pipes releasing sewage into a ditch
Smokestack style factory chimneys
Oil pipes
Pollution which is caused by rain fall or snow melting into the ground. As the runoff moves, it picks up and carries away natural and human made pollutants, Finally reaching a lake, river, ocean, groundwater.
1.The nucleus is often considered to be the cell's control center.
(because it contains the DNA)
2.The cytoplasm consists of everything
inside the plasma membrane of the cell.
(actually it excludes the nucleus)
3.The plasma membrane forms
a boundary between the inside and outside of the cell. - it controls what can enter and what can't!
4.The cytoskeleton is essentially a "skeleton" inside the cell..
it maintains the form of the cell
rough endoplasmic reticulum is covered with
Ribosomes -they make the proteins!
use enzymes to break down foreign matter and dead cells.
7.plant cells cells specifically have a cell wall, a large central
vacuole, and chloroplasts.-choloplasts are only found in plants!
it depends on changes in gene expression