LCD stands for Lowest Common Denominator.
So let's say we have the equation 1/9 * 16/27
We want to find the LCD of both fractions. To find the LCD of both fractions find a the lowest common denominator in both fractions.
In this equation the lowest common denominator is 27 because 9 can go in 27 and 27 can go into itself. Se basically 27 is the lowest possibly common denominator both fractions can get to.
Hope This Helped! Good Luck ;)
a) t=b-5 b) j=b+3+2
Step-by-step explanation:
t is tina, we don't know how much Ben scored so we use b, then subtract 5 because tina got 5 less. same thing for Juan but we add the 3 points he got more than Ben and the 2 extra credit points
$2 per ride
Step-by-step explanation:
McKenna rode 6 rides so $12 divided by 6 rides is $2 for every ride
The answer is : 11,000,000 + 760,000 + 825
I hope that's help:)
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