a software program for storing, managing, and retrieving information
The missing code to this question is g.
In this question firstly import packages. Then declaration of the class Test that inherits the JApplet. In this class, we declare the default constructor. In this constructor, we call the add function. Then we declare another class that is SquarePanel. This class inherits JPanel. In this class, we define a method that is paintComponent(). In this method, we define an integer variable. In this method, we perform calculations and pass it to another function that is displaySquares(). In this function, we pass the value as the arguments. So in question the missing code or argument is g.
Pictures not loading on websites Chrome – Many users reported that pictures aren't loading on websites in Chrome. To fix the problem, be sure to check your Chrome settings and disable your antivirus. Images won't load in Chrome – Sometimes this issue can appear if JavaScript is disabled in your browser.
Speaking of image problems, users reported the following issues:
Broken image icon Firefox, Internet Explorer – According to users, you might be able to experience this issue in other browsers including Firefox and Internet Explorer. If the problem appears in other browsers, the issue is related to your system or to your network configuration.
- Pictures not loading on websites Chrome – Many users reported that pictures aren’t loading on websites in Chrome. To fix the problem, be sure to check your Chrome settings and disable your antivirus.
- Images won’t load in Chrome – Sometimes this issue can appear if JavaScript is disabled in your browser. If that’s the case, simply enable JavaScript and the problem will be resolved.
- Chrome showing broken images – In some cases, extensions can lead to this problem, and if you noticed that your images are missing, simply disable or uninstall your extensions and check if that solves the problem.
- You can remove an image from the preview by clicking the thumbnail below Available images. Edit Descriptions: If you've added multiple images, click the description below each image in the preview to edit it.
- Icon in the top-right corner of the window. Select Internet Options. In the Internet Options window, click the Advanced tab. In the Settings under Multimedia, make sure there is a check in the Show Pictures check box.
Answer: A. target audience for the brochure.
Before even starting the design of the brochure, Amanda needs to get information on who the target audience are going to be. Amanda will need to conduct a quick research on what the audience of their community likes and does not like. By understanding the target audience, Amanda will be able to get an idea of what design, colors, and format she would make that will attract the attention of their audience.
One example of syntax in Logo is “[”. Two examples of Java are “;” and “{“or “}”. If you don’t use these parts of syntax then you could get a Syntax error, this will make you have to stop the code and debug.