def corresponding_of_lists(lst1, lst2):
c = ""
corresponding_list = []
if (lst1 is None) or (lst2 is None):
return None
for i in lst1:
for j in lst2:
c = "(" + str(i) + "," + str(j) + ")"
return corresponding_list
- Create a function called corresponding_of_lists that takes two lists as parameter
- Initialize an empty list to hold the corresponding values
- Check if any of the lists are null, if they are return None
- Otherwise, get the corresponding elements and put them into the corresponding_list
Return the corresponding_list
man this question is really about your personal experience but i'll try my best to answer this
onnline Web Conferencing is used by businesses and now schools who went to online because of the virus. for businesses i learned they use it to present and share with online collaboration on different applications including documents, web sites, data files, video, emails, and reduce the time and cost of business travel for meetings. i understand now that online conferencing can be used for Applications for web conferencing include meetings, training events, lectures, or presentations from a web-connected computer to other web-connected computers.
// function with memory leak
void func_to_show_mem_leak() {
int *pointer;
pointer = malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
*(pointer+3) = 99;}
// driver code
int main()
// Call the function
// to get the memory leak
return 0; }
Memory leakage occurs when programmers allocates memory by using new keyword and forgets to deallocate the memory by using delete() function or delete[] operator. One of the most memory leakage occurs by using wrong delete operator.
The delete operator should be used to free a single allocated memory space, whereas the delete [] operator should be used to free an array of data values.
Answer: No, you will not have to determine the exact vaccine that caused the fever and rash. The CDC will determine that information.
To report a vaccine reaction to VAERS you just have to list the symptoms and reactions that were caused after getting a vaccine. The form that is needed to fill out a VAERs can be found on the CDC website. The person filling out the form will need to know the who, when, where, and how of the injury or symptom.
After the form has been received the patient will be contacted and their symptoms will be monitored. Some of the most common reactions after getting a vaccine are;