The answer is intuition. It is a way of having to
understanding an information, fact or something in a more fast phase without
having to provide any reasoning or
obtaining any experience, analysis or observation to be done in order to learn
or know it.
The government wasn't powerful enough. They couldn't even tax the people, so the government was too broke to offer any kind of assistance when it's country was in need. (Couldn't afford a military when they needed it, for example -- there were a lot of domestic issues that they couldn't take care of.)
Jennifer falls under D. Objective morality
Piaget wanted to understand how children think, understand their morality. Objective morality is understood as the belief that <em>morality is universal</em>, that it <em>cannot be interpreted</em>. It is understood as <em>general and existing in nature. </em>
In this case, Jennifer believes her lying was the cause of her injury, which was her punishment. Her way of thinking is that morality exists in nature and that it happens. It was not her parents' punishment but a general one.
Sutherland was interested in explaining how criminal values and attitudes could be culturally transmitted from one generation to another.
He wanted to see how people actually became criminals. His findings showed that close contact between people plays a large role in them adopting criminal thoughts and actions - if your parents are criminals, chances are that you are also going to be because you were 'taught' that lifestyle.