Forest biome: It gives us medicinal plants, woods for commercial purpose. Forests provides us rubber and fibers that is very important for the industries for making various products. They also contribute to perform ecological functions such as carbon storage, nutrient cycling, water and air purification. It also provides habitat to the wildlife.
Freshwater biome: We use fresh water for drinking water, irrigation, sanitation systems, and in industrial factories. Water used from groundwater, rivers and lakes is regained by rain and snowfall.
Marine biome: It serves huge amount of oxygen into the environment and absorbs the atmospheric carbon dioxide.
As a result of the activity of human there is a significant decrease in the number of trees. The products now used are synthetically made which were made up of natural fibers previously. The water source such as rivers, lakes, and ponds are polluted due to which many water borne diseases are increasing day by day. The accumulation of waste which are found in marine biome are reducing the number of flora present inside marine ecosystem.
The organs are known as Vestigial organs. The evolution from land-dwelling animal to the marine animals has led whales as well as dolphins, to lose hind limbs. The pelvic and leg bone serves no purpose in them and just provide the anchorage to muscles
Around what time that they became extinct. They measure the amount of decay on the bone, and it gives them pretty accurate info
Absolute Dating =Method using properties of atoms in rocks and other objects to determine their ages.
Extinct =When there are no longer any living members of a species.
Radiometric =Method of dating rocks when the amounts of parent and daughter materials are measured.
idk if that is what u wanted
photosynthesis is a part of the global carbon cycle