The first set of squares I am unsure about but, they both had gods, Montezuma ll was the last leader of Aztecs, Atahuallpa was the last leader of the Incas, Cusco, properly Qosqo in the Quechua language of the Inca is the capital city, Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztecs, Aztecs were violent and they had slaves, Inca was peaceful and did not have slaves, they were both in Mexico, three facts about the inca is The Incas created a highway and road system in Peru with over 18,000 miles of roads. The Incas had a type of postal system where relay messengers ran across rope bridges to deliver communications to the next team. The Incas performed successful skull surgeries, And three facts about the Aztecs They called themselves the Mexica. The Mexica originated from northern Mexico. They founded Tenochtitlan in 1325 AD. And Unsure about the last one sorry.
Liberal Feminism: Gender inequalities are mainly rooted in social and cultural attitudes, which need to be reformed.
Black Feminism: Mainstream feminism mistakenly treats gender oppression as unified and experienced in the same way by all women.
Radical Feminism: The oppression of stems directly from the system of patriarchy women in which we live.
Postmodern Feminism: The category of "women" is a falsely essentialist category, failing to appreciate the plurality, diversity, and fluidness of reality.
There are many different versions or waves of feminism in the history of this critique that draws attention to the gendered nature of our social system. Scholars generally divide American feminism into three waves or historical periods: American first-wave feminism was the period that ended with passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the right to vote in 1920. Second-wave feminism of the 1960s-1980s was shaped by the Civil Rights Movement and focused on issues of equality and discrimination in the workplace. Third-wave feminism began in the early 1990s, as a response to the limitations of second wave feminism and its initiatives. The third wave of feminism tried to deepen its critique by challenging the definitions of femininity that emerged out of the second-wave and tries to account for more diversity. It is argued that second-wave and first-wave feminism over-emphasized the experiences of upper middle-class white women and eclipsed the experiences of women of color.
the human resource is very essential for development of a nation cause the scientists develop useful machines and what if the human doesn't know how to use the resource the nation will still be undeveloped so that's why human skills are required and in the country who has great scientists that can develop the raw minerals into many great things that county will be more developed
4. Bronze was made by heating tin and copper and mixing them together which created liquid bronze. This was poured into sand or clay molds and allowed to cool; This was called casting, and it was used to make most bronze objects like swords, knives, pins, etc.
9. This was a period of time where people sought to understand the world through science and logic. They were convinced that the world is governed by universal laws, sometimes called universal constant.
The significance: This was the same type of thinking that influenced the founding of our founding fathers when the constitution was written. Over 50% of our founding fathers were enlightened thinkers.