Answer: King David broke the following commandment: "Thou shalt not commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14). Despite knowing she was a married woman, David slept with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. She got pregnant; David was afraid that his sin would be known. While Uriah was fighting in a war, the king ordered his top commander to put him in the frontline so that he might be killed and the king would take his wife. Dominated by lust, David falls into immoral behavior and breaks the laws of Yahweh.
The most important translator of this group was the Syriac-speaking Christian Hunayn Ibn Ishaq (809-873), known to the Latins as Joannitius.
election, rather than appointing, of officials
He believed in making a new "perfect aryan race". Jews didn't fit that description, so he decided to kill them. He killed anybody really, but Jews were his main target as he was very anti-Semitic and blamed them for basically all of the worlds problems.
René Descartes was known for his dualism theory. He argues that there was a two-way interaction between mental and physical substances. He was known to argued that the mind and body are one and all psychological process are part of physical processes.
Descartes was known to postulate that the mind interacts with the body at the pineal gland. His philosophy embeded in his thesis that the mind and body are really distinct. He called it “mind-body dualism.”
He said that the nature of the mind, the aspect of thinking, non-extended thing is very different from that of the body
Conclusively, his view of body dualism was that the mind and body are qualitatively different from each other
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