Countries are susceptible to forces that divide or unite them. Centripetal forces unite a country where centrifugal forces tend to divide. ... Nationalism, or the strong love of and loyalty to one's country, is also a powerful centripetal force and can create solidarity among the populace.
Whats the myth? I might b able to help.
Whole Grains. ...
Beans and Lentils. ...
Fish. ...
Berries. ...
Winter Squash. ...
Soy. ...
Flaxseed, Nuts and Seeds. ...
Organic Yogurt. Men and women between 19 and 50 years of age need 1000 milligrams of calcium a day and 1200 milligrams if 50 or older.
What are the 5 characteristics of a state?
Characteristics of a state: Population, Territory, Sovereignty, and Government. Divine right theory: The doctrine that states the right of rules in a monarch (one ruler) is developed directly from God and is only accountable to God because God created the state.