The answer is definitely true
1. Pendant que Michel grimpait à l’arbre, il a vu un écureuil.
2. Madeleine et moi, nous avons fait de la balançoire pendant que Michel et Matthieu faisaient du manège.
3. Matthieu et Michel ont joué au football pendant que Madeleine jouait à la marelle.
4. Hier soir, Madeleine, Michel et Matthieu étaient si fatigués qu’ils se sont endormis à 7h00!
Have a good day !! ;)
Good luck with your studies !!
2. C'est un vieux buffet.
3. Lis les vers 5 à 8 ( linges odorants, chiffons dentelle, fichus) puis 9 et 10 ( médaillons, mèches de cheveux, portraits, fleurs sèches).
Weekly status report is a summary of all work done during a week and how these activities contributed to the completion of a task or a project, or how each one brings the team closer to the achievement of their targets.
This weekly activity report helps the management understand how each employee performs and how well they are doing their jobs. It is helpful in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an employee. Through the weekly activity report, the management is able to assess and make informed decisions in terms of the needed training and development interventions for each staff and in assigning responsibilities to each one.
Hope this helps : )