david arrive
elle téléphone
stéphane prépare
il dîne
without the actual scene it is hard to answer.
arriver is to arrive
dîner is to have dinner/eat dinner
écouter is to listen
préparer us to prepare
rentrer is to return
téléphoner is to talk on the phone to
voyager is to travel
they would all end in e when you conjugate them.
What are some services that tribal governments provide?
What are some services that tribal governments provide?
What are some services that tribal governments provide?
What are some services that tribal governments provide?
What are some services that tribal governments provide?
What are some services that tribal governments provide?
This is portugese. Not french.
You said: "How to write an essay."
Can someone answer this and explain how I can answer the rest?
Oui, Jean le lit.
Bonjour je m’appel brainly nerd