Equal amounts of DNA contain equal proportions of nitrogenous bases.
According to Chargaff's rule, the nitrogenous base pairs (Purines and pyrimidines) have an equal ratio (1:1) in the DNA of all the organisms. More precisely, the amount of adenine is equal to thymine and the amount of guanine is equal to cytosine in the DNA of all the organism. A-T base pair has two H-bonds while G-C base pair has three H-bonds.
In eukaryotes, it is well known that polyadenylation is required to produce the mature messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule and it provides stability to the mRNA during translation initiation. In prokaryotic organisms, polyadenylation is required for the degradation of the mRNA in a mechanism that involves three steps: endonucleolytic cleavage, polyadenylation and exonucleolytic degradation. Moreover, it is also important to note that no evidence of polyadenylation has bee reported in some prokaryotes including the halophilic bacteria Haloferax volcanic (Slomovic et al. 2005).
Slomovic, S., Laufer, D., Geiger, D., & Schuster, G. (2005). Polyadenylation and degradation of human mitochondrial RNA: the prokaryotic past leaves its mark. Molecular and cellular biology, 25(15), 6427-6435.
carbon and titanium, hope that helps