The president is the “boss” for millions of governments workers in the Executive Branch. He or she decides how the laws of the United States are to be enforced and chooses official and advisors to help run the executive Branch
psychosocial development
Erik Erikson has given the theory of psychosocial development in which he has mentioned eight different stages from infancy or birth of the child to adulthood.
According to Erikson, in each of the stages an individual experiences a particular psychosocial crisis that can often have a negative or positive outcome or result for his or her personality development.
Psychosocial development came into existence after Erikson has criticized Sigmund Freud's psychosexual developmental stage because he believes that a child grows differently throughout the life irrespective of the five stages that Freud has to give. A psychosocial development includes the interaction between psychological development or the social environment.
Discrimination and Restrictions to black people.
In the northeastern states, blacks faced discrimination in many forms. Segregation was rampant, especially in Philadelphia, where African Americans were excluded from concert halls, public transportation, schools, churches, orphanages, and other places. Blacks were also forced out of the skilled professions in which they had been working. And soon after the turn of the century, African American men began to lose the right to vote -- a right that many states had granted following the Revolutionary War. Simultaneously, voting rights were being expanded for whites. New Jersey took the black vote away in 1807; in 1818, Connecticut took it away from black men who had not voted previously; in 1821, New York took away property requirements for white men to vote, but kept them for blacks. This meant that only a tiny percentage of black men could vote in that state. In 1838, Pennsylvania took the vote away entirely. The only states in which black men never lost the right to vote were Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts.
The House of Representatives and the Senate; which created the legislative branch.
El bovarismo denota una tendencia al soñar despierto escapista en el que el soñador se imagina a sí mismo como un héroe o heroína en un romance, mientras ignora las realidades cotidianas de la situación.
En ingles:
Bovarism denotes a tendency toward escapist daydreaming in which the dreamer imagines himself or herself to be a hero or heroine in a romance, whilst ignoring the everyday realities of the situation.