<span>Radon may cause lung cancer when inhaled.
a: is formed by the breakdown of the ozone layer
b: may cause lung cancer when inhaled
c: binds with hemoglobin, preventing binding with oxygen
d: contributes to the breakdown of the ozone layer
e: in the atmosphere limits the availability of sunlight for plants</span>
<u>The Continental drift</u> is the displacement of continental masses relative to each other. This hypothesis was developed in 1912 by Alfred Wegener, who affirmed <u>that thousands of years ago there was a single and unique supercontinent, called </u><u>Pangea</u><u>, which later became separated.
His formulations were based mainly on the way in which the forms of the continents seem to fit on each side of the Atlantic Ocean, such as Africa and South America. He also took into account the distribution of certain fossils that coincided in continents far from each other.
At first this approach was discarded by most of his colleagues, because <u>
his theory lacked a logical and geological explanation for its epoch. </u></h2><h2>
He proposed that the continents move on another denser layer of the Earth that made up the ocean floor. But it was not until the 1960s, with the development of the theory of tectonic plates, that the movement of the continents could be adequately explained.
Immigration is the act of travelling from one country / nation to other countries and nation in order for an action to be taken.
Mountain, Canyon, Delta
The uppermost box would be mountain.
The box below that one would be canyon.
And the farthermost box to the right would be delta.
If you thought about it, changing those circles to make them 3D is like stacking layers on top as they get smaller, this would form something that looks like a mountain.
Water typically runs through a canyon and the lines appear to be separating for the water.
Deltas are wetlands that form from rivers emptying their water into another body of water. If you were to look up an image of a delta that would make it easier to understand, it also looks like what the image provided is trying to demonstrate.