World War One, basically.
Because people can learn from other people, in both in failures and in successes. The founding fathers of the United States took after the Roman republic in modeling after there government. This is why the United States Congress is structured in the same manner as the Roman Congress. Versus the rectangular or roundtable types of congresses that are seen in European countries.
They also took after the Romans on the idea of a republic being comprised of people elected to represent them. These people are also meant to be changed out on a regular basis. And that the public was in control of who was calling the shots on their behalf.
Abraham Lincoln winning the President contributed most to the Civil War. After he won the election, southerners were scared that Lincoln would try to get rid of slavery and change their traditions. Once Abe Lincoln was elected, states started to secede (like South Carolina) from the Union just a couple months later. This secession ultimately lead to the confrontation at Fort Sumter, leading to the start of the Civil War.
She worked witb the Knights of labor she often gave speeches to workers during strikes