I am attaching the table as an image with updated table containing required information for the following WAN technologies.
T1/DS1 => Digital Signal 1 (T-Carrier 1),
T3/DS3 => Digital Signal 3 (T-Carrier 3),
OC3 (SONET) => Optical Carrier 3 (Synchronous Optical Networking),
Frame Relay,
ATM => Asynchronous Transfer Mode,
MPLS => Multi-protocol Label Switching,
EPL => Ethernet Private Line.
Although you have mentioned most of the information yourself, there were some wrong data in it. So I have updated them with correct information in the attached table.
Is it this question? I think the hardest question in the world is the one you just asked! Am I right?
Using a one time password OTP and using a three factor authentication.
Social engineering is a form system and network attack, drafted by an attacker, to steal user credentials needed for accessing their accounts, to steal information.
Social engineering attacks like phishing, spear phishing, baiting and quid quo pro are used to fool users to giving out their user details.
One time password is an implied use of a password just once and a new password his generated to boost security. In a three factor authentication, OTP can be used as well as biometrics of a user which can not be giving away by a user to an attacker.