I was called into service to lead the Union troops because I can outkill or outlast my enemy. I am a father of the concept of mo
dern war. Who am I? Ulysses S Grant
Irvin McDowell
William Rosecrans
Ambrose Burnside
I came up with the Anaconda Plan. Who am I?
Ulysses S Grant
Winfield Scott
William Rosecrans
George H Thomas
I don’t like to fight. I keep hesitating and making excuses for why I don’t follow Lincoln’s orders. Who am I?
Ulysses S Grant
George B McClellan
William Tecumseh Sherman
Winfield Scott
Some say that I am the finest general that America has produced. Who am I
George B McClellan
Ulysses S Grant
William Tecumseh Sherman
Robert E Lee
Considered to be one of the fathers of modern warfare. His famous march to the sea introduced the concept of “total war” when his army destroyed anything of value in a sixty-mile wide swath across Georgia. Who am I?
Robert E Lee
Ulysses S Grant
J.E.B. Stuart
William Tecumseh Sherman
Known for his flamboyant dress and daring tactics, he is considered to be the best cavalryman of the Civil War for the Confederates. Who am I?
Thomas Jackson
J.E.B. Stuart
Robert E Lee
James Longstreet
Was the important cavalryman for the Army of the Potomac. He attacked and “laid waste” to the Shenandoah Valley at the direction of General Grant Who am I?
John Singleton Mosby
J.E.B. Stuart
Philip Sheridan
John Hunt Morgan
Earned his nickname at the Battle of Bull Run when he led his forces into a gap in the line and prevented the Confederate line from disintegrating and falling back. Was one of the most important Confederate generals. Who am I?
Thomas Jackson
James Longstreet
J.E.B. Stuart
PGT Beauregard