1- Marcus' conflict is related to his friends; he wants to help them but he cannot. First, his friend Darryl has been stabbed and he cannot help him because the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) stops him. Darryl gets lost. The DHS takes Marcus and his friends prisoners and torture them. Marcus can hear his friends' cries but cannot help them.
2-Marcus is facing a conflict with the authority. The authority is authoritarian so he cannot do much. He has to obey them. He is physically attacked so he feels cornered. Although he has tried to explain to them his situation, the DHS ignores and tortures him.
3- Marcus ' current stage of identity is foreclosure since he is obliged to do what the DHS tells him to do. He accepts not to rebel against them. He wants to be free and he wants his friends to be free,too. During this identity stage, teenagers tend to follow what the adults say. Adults sometimes pressure teenagers to accept the roles they want for them.
4- Marcus will rebel against the DHS. He will notice that the DHS is not helping American society against terrorism. He believes they are not reliable ,so he will set an organization to fight against them. Probably, he will show he is more reliable than the DHS to protect America against terrorism.
5-Once at a party , I saw my best friend's fiancé cheating on her. I did not know what to do. My friend was madly in love with him. Finally ,I decided not to tell her anything. I learnt that they had to find a solution without my help.
This is an example of the Romantic idea of intuition. Romanticism placed emphasis on the elements of human nature that cannot be explained through reason. This was a reaction to the Enlightenment period and its focus on rationalization. Intuition was considered an inner voice that informs our lives and directs our actions. This is employed in this passage as the character feels a cold chill of loneliness.
I would support funding for foster homes. With better funding the government would be able to give them better lives. A lot of foster kids grow up in and out of the foster system due to caretakers that are only interested in making money from the government. There is also the housing problem. If there are too many kids at one orphanage they will refuse other kids. More funding will allow the people in charge to buy larger buildings to house more children, and make it less cramped.
I feel that this would help make orphans a little more happy because they're not just getting thrown at whomever will take them due to housing space. Children in the foster system end up being angry at themselves and angry at others that they are constantly thrown around and no one ever adopts them.
With better funding these children would have a better life, and a better chance at finding a comfortable home to live in.
It would be comparison because it is asking what the relationship of the sentences are!