1. The Congress decides how many federal courts we have.
2. A Supreme court can have original jurisdiction when one state sues an another state.
3. To convict someone of treason, one must have proof of a person levying war against the US.
4. Article IV states the duties the states have with each other and the duties a federal government has to the states.
5. Each state must recognize other state laws.
6. The Privileges and Immunities Clause states that the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.
<em>Before</em> the Jews were called Israelites, they were known as Hebrews. Abraham received promisses from God, that from him God would create a great nation, to whom He will reveal His <em>statutes</em> and give a place where they could live and serve Him, being an example to other nations of the true way of worhipping God. But before the possession of their land, many things happened: they became slaves in Egypt, travelled for 40 years in the wilderness etc.
His personal wealth.
Before being elected as the president of United States, Andrew Jackson gained his popularity as a war Hero.
He was known for his contribution in war of 1812. During that time, he personally led 2,000 men to defend New Orleans from Great Britain's effort to occupy the territory.
He was never really known for his achievement in businesses. Most of his supporters perceive him as a masculine & charismatic leader who can defend United States from potential attacks in the future.