If you mean Prince Henry the navigator, he was the third son of King John I from Portugal and he was called infante Dom Henrique in Portuguese.
They believed "kami" will only help if a person is pure. That's why they cleanse spiritual stains by bathing and other rituals before praying.
Okay this was actually funny I have a joke aswell
why did the chicken cross the road to see the idiot on the other side knock knock whos there the chicken also another joke I wont get brainliest because im a joke :(
The Middle Ages was a time of extreme religious devotion and only one religion was accepted in Europe: Christianity, and also only one church was considered proper: the Roman Catholic Church. A heretic would be anyone who would challenge in any way anything that the church was saying. (even that the Earth rotates around the Sun).
Anthony Johnson first arrived in Virginia in 1621