Most likely, Mayra will develop heart-related problems when she grows older. Most heart problems, especially high blood-pressure, are hereditary, meaning that she will most likely develop a form of these problems at some point in her life. She is also much more likely to have a heart attack in her life.
.org, .gov, .edu are usually the most reliable domains when it comes to dealing with english related assignments.
.org - means the website is from an organization, without the intention of selling commercial products.
.gov - is from the government so we know that this is reliable
and .edu is usually for university websites.
Hope this helped.
<span>Realistic fiction depicts life and society in a <u>true to life </u>manner.
Its main characters are <u>dynamic</u>.
They grow and transform with their experiences, making it easier for readers to <u>relate to</u> them.
This genre primarily focuses on the <u>daily struggles</u> of ordinary people, validating their experiences.