Refrain is a poetic device in which the poet repeat some words or lines at the end of a stanza. This tradition has remained from past, when poems were mostly recited not written, and refrains made a poem easier for listeners to remember. Another purpose is to create a rhythm and make readers or listeners to pay attention to main theme or point of a poem.
Heather tells Melinda that she is too depressing to be around and maybe, if she were able to not be as depressing, they could be friends again. It brings Melinda to the realization that she has no one else & is now alone.
The story is narrated by “we,” the townspeople in general, who also play a role in Miss Emily's tragedy. The townspeople respect Miss Emily as a kind of living monument to their glorified but lost pre-Civil War Southern past, but are therefore also highly judgmental and gossipy about her, sometimes hypocritically.
A) A method of persuasion to enhance the reader's understanding of the material.
Parallel structure involves a writer balancing one or more sentences of similar phrases that have the same grammatical structure.
This makes it easier for the readers to understand.
Examples, one with a comma and one without:
Shakespeare was born in Stratford and went on to write Hamlet.
Shakespeare was born in Stratford, later writing Hamlet