Al crossmultiplies with 2
S crossmultiplies with 3
The study of how plants, animals, and organisms are spread across the globe over time and space is known as biogeography.
Example of biogeography includes the splitting of Pangea (all the Earth's continents were one large landmass).
Flatworms-In the life cycle of trematode flukes of the subclass Digenea, mollusks (mostly snails) serve as the intermediate host. Fertilized eggs usually hatch in water. The first larval stage, the miracidium, generally is free-swimming and penetrates a freshwater or marine snail, unless it has already been ingested by one.
Roundworms-Roundworms can complete their life cycle in immature dogs, but as the pup's immune system matures (usually by 6 months of age), the larval stages of the roundworm will become arrested and will encyst (become enclosed in a cyst) in the pup's muscles. They can remain encysted in the dog's tissues for months or years.
Mitosis produces two diploid (2n) somatic cells that are genetically identical to each other and the original parent cell, whereas meiosis produces four haploid (n) gametes that are genetically unique from each other and the original parent (germ) cell.