1. hatten
2. war
3. hatte
4. war
5. war
6. hattest
1. I had a hamster.
2. We were there too early.
3. He was very friendly (or kind)
4. The shopping center had 100 stores.
1. Das Wetter war schon. (Unlaut on the o)
2. Sie hatte ein neues auto.
3. ich war in italien.
4. Das Hotel hatte ein Restaurant.
1. I had to stay home.
2. I wanted to buy a red skirt.
3. I couldn't swim.
4. I was allowed to drink a glass of wine.
1. Next year I want to go to Portugal.
2. I will fly with the plane.
3. I will build a cinema.
4. I will live in a big house.
5. I wanted to go to high school.
Practice copying down sentences using words you know. I used to copy poems and it helped a little, but only when it came to writing poetry! You could also find a märchen and copy sentences from that. Sticky notes are my friends! I would put the German word for something (ie: the desk, the lamp, ect) and see those daily. It helped me with der, die, das. Grade wise, I can only encourage you to study and practice writing, reading, and speaking daily. I wish you all the best! Viel Glück!
To say 'thank you' in German, you would say Danke (dank·a). To say 'thank you for all the birthday wishes', you would say, <span>Vielen Dank für die Geburtstagswünsche (vee</span>·l dank fur dee geboot·stag·voonche).