The steps get More specific
Connecting the worlds of engineering and regenerative medicine is no small feat and I hope that our last blog, which connected the human brain and the controller of an automation system, opened your eyes and allowed you to make some realistic associations between two distinct processes. With these blogs, we are propelling the industry forward by familiarizing both engineers and scientists with the worlds of a “different” industry.
The central dogma of biology is the process by which DNA is used to synthesize RNA and subsequently amino acid sequence (PROTEIN). The processes of transcription and translation is used in gene expression. Transcription is the process whereby the information encoded in a DNA molecule is used to synthesize a mRNA molecule. Transcription is catalyzed by RNA polymerase enzyme, which uses complementary base pairing rule i.e Adenine(A)-Thymine(T), Guanine(G)-Cytosine(C) pairing.
N.B: Thymine is replaced by Uracil in the mRNA
For the above DNA sequence: CAC GAC GGA TTC GTA, the mRNA sequence will be: GUG CUG CCU AAG CAU
Translation is the second process of gene expression which involves the synthesis of an amino acid sequence from an mRNA molecule. The mRNA is read in a group of three nucleotides called CODON. Each codon specifies an amino acid (see attached image for genetic code)
Based on the attached genetic code, an mRNA sequence: GUG CUG CCU AAG CAU will encode an amino acid sequence: Valine(Val) - Leucine (Leu) -Proline (Pro) -Lysine (Lys) - Histidine (His).
GUG specifies Valine amino acid
CUG specifies Leucine amino acid
CCU specifies Proline amino acid
AAG specifies Lysine amino acid
CAU specifies Histidine amino acid
The functions of the Endoplasmic reticulum are synthesis, folding, modification, and transport of proteins.
The main thing that Stanley Miller's experiment in 1953 illustrated regarding the origins of life was that "<span>a. It produced the chemicals of life by simulating earth's early conditions" since he shot a beam of light through different chemicals. </span>