The Americans were not following Mexico's rule
It depends. if it is police brutality, try and get clear footage of the crime taking place and take it to either the internet or a higher-up. if it is citizen v citizen, then tell either an officer or a fireman, depending on your comfortability.
No, the attorney is not subject to discipline. It is the legal responsibility of the attorney(Retained by the insurer) to advise the insurer accordingly should any case issues arise.
All the parties involved(The Insurer, the construction company and the attorney) have their respective responsibilities in the case issue.
The Insurer under normal situation must be responsible for the construction company, in case of any accident or loss, if the issuance application is adequately represented by the company
The company must represent the insurance application correctly. If the Insurance application is misrepresented, the Insurer reserve a legal right of refraining from its responsibilities to the construction company
The attorney's duty is to ensure if the insurance application is correctly respresented also defend the isurer's client(The construction company) legally. He/She discovering a misrepresention in insurance application by the construction company can advise the insurer that it had no obligation to provide coverage, and He/She is not subject to discipline by doing so.
The founding fathers created a process for amending the constitution so that the government can adapt with the times and needs of the people
The Supreme court
The supreme court can liquidate property of any foreign national. The supreme court as a law making body is backed by law to seize property's owned by foreign nationals, who have been convicted. However, before the seizure is done, there must be adequate evidence and investigation.