he's wrong
every since he was president he made nothing better then making America bad and harmful
The answer is to make it easier for immigrants to vote in elections
Every group experiences prejudice among others who are not of the same group. That includes Whites. Blacks. Polish. Jews. Latinos. Irish. Asians. Filipinos. Italians. Gays. Transgender. Young. Old. Rich. Poor. Native American. Aleut. German. Female. Male. Genius. Left-handers. Low-IQ. Bald. Unathletic. Sports fans. Nerds. Unattractive. Tall. Short. Obese. Skinny. Hunters. Fishers. Animal lovers. Environment lovers. Religious. Non-religious.
You name it.
You cannot define a group that lives completely without prejudice, in the USA or in any other country.
It first came from france.