The balance shifted in many ways both economic and political.
Before the war, Germany, Russia, and Austria had their empires. After the war Austria-Hungary was ended, Germany lost territory and was no longer a world power and was ruined, and Russia stopped being an Empire and became USSR. There was a new nation called Yugoslavia and many people in Europe started to get influenced by communism. France emerged as a proud victor from the war and along with Britain was the dominant force in Europe.
Una controversia que recuerda a GamerGate se está gestando en la comunidad de juegos, ya que el diseñador de un juego popular defiende su elección para programar algunos estereotipos problemáticos de género en sus personajes.
Aunque RimWorld aún no es un juego completo, el simulador de supervivencia de la caja de arena de la colonia de ciencia ficción, publicado por primera vez en 2013 — se ha vuelto cada vez más popular desde su lanzamiento de “Early Access” en la plataforma Steam en julio pasado.
The English Bill of Rights was an act signed into law in 1689 by William III and Mary II, who became co-rulers in England after the overthrow of King James II. The bill outlined specific constitutional and civil rights and ultimately gave Parliament power over the monarchy. Many experts regard the English Bill of Rights as the primary law that set the stage for a constitutional monarchy in England. It’s also credited as being an inspiration for the U.S. Bill of Rights.
Photo exhibit on migrant workers in Florida during the Great Depression. ... The Great Depression in the United States officially began in 1929 with the Stock ... the "paper millionaire," Florida was hit by two major hurricanes, one in 1926 and ... of jobs wherever they could be found, adding their numbers to the thousands of ...