A. Open ended
An open-ended question is a question that cannot be answered with a "yes" or "no" response, or with a static response
translate it and check
... T: The second question of the "cloak" lesson is a short story as soon as the last patient slipped out of the clinic, pointing his face to the palm of his palm until I jumped out of my seat and took my bag and woke it up and I was more important to go out 11 | ..... "The sentence "Masanda" is his face to the palm of his palm.
It is the study of communication in every aspect of life. It is how you communicate:
At work
With adolescents
Interpersonally (most important and valuable)
Understand political (and other types of public speeches or books) speeches and why certain words and phrases are chosen to influence the public
So much more….
Basically, it covers every aspect of how we, as individuals, communicate in every aspect of our lives in every way, every day.It's not all about speeches or speaking in public.
hiragana and katakana and kanji