Woolf enjoyed reading, attending
discussions, and taking walks
Parallel structure
Art and science are branches of
We are asking for donations for
play. Don't be a Scrooge!
Virginia Woolf and Henrik Ibser
little things.
Many students need loans for
long will it take before we act?
Rhetorical question
A rhetorical question is a question that has no answer. It is usually used for dramatic effect.
An understatement means representing something as being less important than its true value.
Metaphor is a figure of speech that describes or compares two things in a way that is not literally applicable
Allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something
Parallel structure is using the same pattern of words to show that different ideas are equally important.
<span>Without placing too implicit faith in the account above given, it must be agreed, that if a worthy pretext for so dangerous an experiment as setting houses on fire (especially in these days) could be assigned in favor of any culinary object, that pretext and excuse might be found in roast pig.</span>
Montresor tells all of his servants that they must stay in the house. He also tells him that he is going out and will not return until much later. Since the story takes place during a popular festival, the servants want to leave and join the partying. Montresor knows that if he tells the servants he won't be back for a while the servants will leave the house anyways. Since he is not there to make sure that they are doing what he's asked, the servants will go off and do whatever they want.