As the <em>Chief citizen </em>the president fills the role of representing and being one of the people
Answer: Option a.
Chief Citizen must endeavor to epitomize Country's goals, Serve their country by acting to their greatest advantage. In the case of a tragedies the president attempts to illuminate, rouse, mourns and comfort the American individuals.
Being Chief Citizen the president is relied upon to speak to the entirety of the American individuals. By attending the sports and cheering the players by wearing strong apparel shows that he appreciates the equivalent past occasions as different residents of America.
As a chief citizen of the Country, the president takes part in both happiness as well as the tragedy of the Country along with other individuals.
Of late, the point of the sign hanging on the back of the effigy is generally used for the make move fakers used for emblematic punishment in political fights and for the figures burned in specific cultures around New Year, Carnival and Easter.
An effigy is a frequently life-size sculptural portrayal of a particular individual, or a prototypical figure. In European societies, representations were in the past likewise used for discipline in conventional equity, when the culprit couldn't be caught, and in mainstream equity practices of social disgracing and prohibition.
Moreover, "likeness" is used for certain customary types of model, specifically burial place representations, memorial service likenesses and coin representations.