The fief was an important basis for feudalism because it was the land given by a landlord to a vassal in return for military service
Not only their military service, the vassals were also obligated to give some cut for the landlord for every profit made using the land
hope this helps
Right choice:
Africans crossed into South America when Africa and South America were one continent.
Such a statement is totally absurd. Humans as a species had not appeared on planet Earth when present-day Africa and South America were part of the same land mass hundreds of millions year ago. So, African could not cross to South America in the times of Pangea, the only megacontinent in the planet´s evolution. The other options are theories of the origins of man in the Americas, though there´s no consensus in the academic community.
All the illnesses that are being passed done generations. Like cancer from all the chemicals and radiation. Or the PTSD that is passed down with the generations. There are a lot of illnesses that can be talked about.
Answer: food crops, which improved the European diet
Answer A, C, and D were introduced to the Americas, not Europe. Some diseases, like syphilis, were brought to Europe but the majority were brought from the Europeans which greatly impacted the population of Native Americans. Western Europe was mostly impacted by the introduction of new crops.
Answer: Banking System Audit, Federal Aid Administration, Public Works Administration.
- As the economic crisis has caused the collapse of the entire financial system, the banking sector has also been hit. The savings of the Americans were questionable if the banks ultimately failed. Hoover has ordered Congress to set up a commission to oversee the entire banking sector. More than ten thousand banks have gone through that audit. The move turned out to be good, as people's savings of up to five thousand dollars were secured. So by this figure, the savings were sure to restore Americans' confidence in the banking system.
- Harry Hopkins headed the Federal-Aid Board. This agency sent funds to the emptied local relief agencies. $ 5 million was issued in two hours. Hopkins believed that people should be allowed to work, not to give alms. His program also funded public works programs. The result of this program is the resuscitation of many assistance programs.
- The goal of this program was to rebuild the country's infrastructure. This meant rebuilding roads, bridges, and public spaces. The effectiveness of this program has proven to be successful, given that around 4 million people are employed through this program. In this context, we can also mention the Corps of Public Goods. About 2.5 million unmarried men are employed through the corps of public goods on afforestation, maintenance of parks and beaches.