La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente. Tampoco mencionas a qué periodo te refieres. Pero aquí va nuestra respuesta.
Una consecuencia de los adelantos científicos del periodo se reflejó en el mejoramiento de la medicina y invención de las primeras vacunas. ¿Cuál es el efecto más relevante descrito?
El efecto más relevante fue una explosión demográfica.
La razón de esta explosión demográfica fue que las vacunas mejoraron la salud de las personas disminuyendo la mortandad por enfermedades, lo cual alargó el periodo de vida.
Las vacunas ayudaron a fortalecer el sistema inmunológico de las personas y se redujo la aparición de enfermedades graves. Es decir, la población aumentó, y con ello, la explosión demográfica. Más gente también representó un problema de carencia de servicios para la gente.
Was Intercepted In January 19, 1917
Support for a republican system of government.
The principles or policies of the Republican Party. In the US
Republicanism is a political ideology centered on citizenship in a state- organized as a republic. Historically, it ranges from the rule of a representative minority or oligarchy to popular sovereignty.
whose lives were at risk if they stayed behind.
By 1974, it became certain that the Republic of Vietnam would fall. Thousand of southern Vietnamese were escaping by sea and air. The Northern Vietnamese troops were at the border of the southern capital of Saigon by April 1975. The President of the United States gave order for the evacuation of U.S civilians and the Vietnamese who were at risk. Around seven thousand people were evacuated by airlifts in the final phase of evacuation called Operation Frequent wind.
<span>Still photography changed the entire course of visual contact . For the first time people could see the reality of another place. The civil war was the first widely photographically documented war, and the pictures of the bodies were more powerful that words could ever be. With pictures, people could see the world without traveling it, they could see people without ever meeting them. As technology grew, bringing motion pictures, and color film, the world became a smaller place in terms of being able to see it, but a much larger place in knowing what there was in it.</span>