The Aztecs, Incas, and Chinese, all had well developed civilizations, and they all used labor force or tributary system. All of them though has different systems and requirements in this department.
The Aztecs had lot of conquered people. They required tribute in the form of people for sacrifice. As the Aztecs has Gods that were very thirsty for human blood, in order to not sacrifice themselves, the Aztecs were taking people for the other tribes and sacrificed them.
The Inca system of labor force seem to have been the most just one. In this system, everyone, apart from the emperor, had to work for the good of everyone and for the good of themselves. Everyone lived in same homes, wore the same clothes, and worked the same types of jobs.
In China, the tribute system was based on forced labor of the people that were conquered. They had to work, produce certain goods, and give part of those goods or part of the profit from those goods to the governing bodies.
The car changed American society in many ways. People had more freedom and more free time. And they were able to do more things in their leisure time. People living in urban areas could escape to the countryside.
Austin, texas was named after stephen f. austin. the president of texas, mirabeau b. lamar, commissioned edwin weller to plan the new city. so technically the president of texas established the capital of texas.
mercantilism, economic theory and practice common in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century that promoted governmental regulation of a nation's economy for the purpose of augmenting state power at the expense of rival national powers. It was the economic counterpart of political absolutism.