The First Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Manassas, marked the first major land battle of the American Civil War.
Oswald Hope Robertson (2 June 1886 – 23 March 1966) was an English-born medical scientist who pioneered the idea of blood banks in the "blood depots" he established in 1917 during service in France with the US Army Medical Corps.
Farewell Address by Washington--this address urged the nation to avoid alliances and getting involved in affairs not our own. This set the tone for isolationism.
Monroe Doctrine--this foreign policy stated the US would protect the Western Hemisphere from European involvement and implied the US would stay out of European affairs.
The Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations would involve the US in world affairs and bring European issues to the doorstep of the US.
VE-Day was the turning point in the war in favor of the Allied Powers
They celebrate the liturgy, soooo I think B (sacraments)