There are choices for this question namely:
a) "Exhale forcefully while the chest tube is being removed."
b) "While the chest tube is being removed, raise your arms above your head."
c) "During the removal of the chest tube, do not move because it will make the removal more painful."
<span>d) "When the tube is being removed, take a deep breath, exhale, and bear down."
The correct answer is "when the tube is being removed, take a deep breath, exhale, and bear down". This is called a Valsalva maneuver and this functions to prevent the air from leaking back to the pleural space and eventually prevent pneumothorax. After which, a clean, air tight, dressing shall be applied to the wound.</span>
It would be difficult to recreate the exact conditions of the chemical release elsewhere.
<span>The answer is shared an evolutionary
history. Homologous structures evolved
from the same ancestor structure. An example of homologous features is the four
limbs of all tetrapods. In birds, the forelimbs evolved
into wings while in crocodiles they still used for walking, and in humans, they evolved into hands. </span>
This is an example of "Disruptive selection".
<em>Disruptive selection</em> occurs when <em>selective pressure</em> <em>favor homozygous</em>. In equilibrium, <em>the two alleles might be present or one of them might be lost</em>. If an environment has two extremes, then in these environments, both alleles are presented in homozygous.
The disruptive selection causes an <em>increase</em> in the two types of <em>extreme phenotypes over the intermediate forms</em>. Limits between one extreme and the other are frequently very sharped. Individuals belonging to one phenotype can not live in the same area as individuals belonging to the other phenotype, due to the traits differences between them, competition, or predation.
Populations show two favored extreme phenotypes and a few individuals in the middle. Individuals who survive best are the ones who have traits on the <u>extremes forms</u>. Individuals in <u>the middle</u> are not successful at survival or reproduction.
<em>Color</em> is very important when it comes to <em>camouflage</em>. Dark green caterpillars that live in dark foliage and light green caterpillars that live in light foliage can <em>hide from predators</em> more effectively and will live the longest. Intermediate colored green caterpillars that don't camouflage or blend into either will be eaten more quickly.
El síndrome de Down es el resultado de un niño nacido con un cromosoma adicional agregado al número esperado de cromosomas (generalmente destinado a ser 46).
El síndrome de Angelman se produce cuando un niño nace con una mutación en el 15º cromosoma heredado de los padres.
En el síndrome de Down, se agrega un cromosoma adicional al complemento de cromosomas que un niño debe heredar de sus padres. Se supone que un niño tiene un complemento de 46 cromosomas (23 cada uno) de ambos padres. Una vez que hay un aumento en este número, se establece el síndrome de down. Es una condición cromosómica común. Puede manifestarse como una trisomía, causada por la no disyunción durante la división celular, lo que resulta en 3 copias del cromosoma 21 en lugar de 2 copias, mosaicismo, donde una mezcla de células se clasifican en 2 grupos que contienen un complemento completo de 46 cromosomas y el otro un el cromosoma adicional lo hace 47 y la translocación ocurre cuando un cromosoma 21 adicional o parte del 21 se une al cromosoma 14. Los niños generalmente tienen cabezas y orejas pequeñas, cuellos cortos, caras planas, etc.
En el síndrome de Angelman, el cerebro se ve afectado en gran medida, debido al efecto de la mutación en el sistema nervioso. La pérdida de la función en el 15º cromosoma es responsable del síndrome de Angelman, que resulta en la incapacidad del niño para hablar, mantener el equilibrio, moverse, un desarrollo deficiente tanto física como intelectualmente.