It is probably more nearly correct to state that the Northern states offered more fertile soil for industrialization to grow and prosper than the South. The comments above about slavery are misstated. The Southern economy was indeed agrarian and dependent upon slave labor; however the reason for this is was that the economy in that portion of the country consisted of large scale plantations of staple crops, primarily cotton. It is manifestly incorrect to state that immigrants did not want to move to a slave society. Immigrants to this country came from agrarian economies, and would have preferred to continue that practice, however there was no available land in the South. It was under no circumstances a moral value judgment as the above answer alludes; they remained in large cities and worked in factories because they had no choice.
Slaves were in fact used for occasional factory work, including but not limited to the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Va. Slaves also worked as blacksmiths, shipwrights, gin operators, carpenters, etc. The law of supply and demand , however, dictated that they were primarily used as plantation labor, not factory workers.
Industrialization was possible in the South, and it was indeed industrialized after Reconstruction, yet most of the workers were white; hardly any were former slaves.
Bottom line: industrialization came to the North because the North's climate, geography, etc. did not lend itself to large scale agriculture. Also, the North had an abundance of navigable streams which were absent in the South. The South was more suitable for large scale agriculture, and its economy developed in that fashion. Slavery was a necessary element in maintaining that economy; but it was not a value judgment.
The Ninety-Two Resolutions were drafted by Louis-Joseph Papineau and other members of the Parti patriote of Lower Canada in 1834. The resolutions were a long series of demands for political reforms in the British-governed colony.
Papineau had been elected speaker of the legislative assembly of Lower Canada in 1815. His party constantly opposed the unelected colonial government, and in 1828 he helped draft an early form of the resolutions, essentially a list of grievances against the colonial administration. To ensure that the views of the Legislative Assembly be understood by the British House of Commons, the Parti patriote had sent its own delegation to London in order to submit a memoir and a petition signed by 87,000 people.
On February 28, 1834, Papineau presented the Ninety-Two Resolutions to the Legislative Assembly which were approved and sent to London.[1] The resolutions included, among other things, demands for an elected Legislative Council and an Executive Council responsible before the house of representatives. Under the Constitutional Act of 1791, the government of Lower Canada was given an elected legislative assembly, but members of the upper houses were appointed by the Governor of the colony.
In the resolutions, the elected representatives once again reiterated their loyalty to the British Crown, but expressed frustration that the government of London had been unwilling to correct the injustices caused by the past governments of the colony.
Papineau's resolutions were ignored for almost three years; meanwhile, the Legislative Assembly did all it could to oppose the un-elected upper houses while avoiding outright rebellion. British Colonial Secretary Lord Russell eventually responded to them by issuing ten resolutions of his own (the Russell Resolutions). All of the Legislative Assembly's demands were rejected.
Answer: Friday, November 22, 1963 at about 12:30 pm TIme zone was Central Standard Dallas, Texas
Cotton and other crops were shipped to their destination by ship.
c) payments from the government